IMPACT-ology Masterclass

IMPACT, BE-Longing & Your Self-Sustainability Journey









Feeling Stuck? Dissatisfied? Not Sure What's Next in Your Life? 

Learn How-to Bring More Purpose Into Your Life and Navigate the Transition.

Impact-ology Masterclass is for you if you are at a stage in your life when you feel stuck. You sense there is something bigger, more meaningful you are meant to be doing... though you are not sure exactly what or how to unlock it.


What We Cover  

  1. A simple process that will help you understand the barriers to your progress. We will talk about your identities and unspoken beliefs, those pesky auto-pilot habits that keep you stuck. You will learn to identify them and work with them to free yourself.
  2. What causes your fear of change and how to overcome it. If you understand how this works, you will be able to get unstuck any time.
  3. A proprietary and innovative method called the 'Impact-ology Wheel' that we developed over the years and helped people around the world get unstuck.  With this, you will identify what makes you tick (things that you might not even know about yourself!) and how to amplify that.  When you get excited about the future, it's easier to get unstuck.
  4. Identify the biggest gaps between what you would like and what your current situation is.  This is usually a powerful realization.  We use our years-long internationally researched proprietary 'Belonging Matrix' to unearth all these insights.
  5. Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga throughout the day - so you can connect with yourself and your inner wisdom. Breathwork: your daily sustainability tool.

What You'll Walk Away With

  • Clarity on your next steps. Exactly what you want to do and how, whether it is in your professional or personal life.
  • Excitement for the future and what awaits you.
  • A sense of relief that nothing is wrong with you: you were just disconnected from your truth.
  • A suite of simple and proven tools to use along your personal transformation journey.
  • An appreciation of how amazing you are and the realization that you can achieve anything when you have the right understanding and tools.
  • Friendships for life.

Your Day...

Full day: 10:00am-4:00pm


Morning Session: 10:00am - 12:00pm

IMPACT & Your Self-Sustainability Journey:

  • You will start and end with Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga to become more aware and focused. You will learn the tools and techniques of 'Breath Work' for daily sustainability.
  • Unearth what is stopping you with a Suite of Tools that will get you unstuck, gain clarity and help you take action. You will also Multiply Your Impact through understanding the 'IMPACT-ology Wheel'.

Midday 2 hour break: 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Bring a picnic lunch or eat in lovely Village of Lexington.  Explore Camp Cavell Conservancy's wonderful new 'Interpretive Trails' and wander along beautiful Lake Huron beach.

Afternoon Session: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

BE-Longing & Your Self-Sustainability Journey:

  • You will start and end with Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga to become more aware and focused. You will learn the tools and techniques of 'Breath Work' for daily sustainability.
  • Belonging is the 'Heart' of satisfaction. Discover what makes you really tick through the 'Belonging Matrix'. It will help you zero in on your DisSatisfaction and pinpoint action steps to shift it.



BONUS! Enjoy Fall Colors at Camp Cavell Conservancy

3335 Lakeshore Road, Lexington, Michigan. 

55 tranquil wooded acres on beautiful Lake Huron

NOTE: You can also stay the night if you choose.  Make cabin accommodation arrangements directly with Camp Cavell...

Phone: 810-359-2267

Your Instructors:

IMPACT & BE-Longing: Interactive Group Sessions


James LaTrobe-Bateman & Lorrie MacGilvray
ReModel International ...Since 1997



Jeni Vincent & Jana Schultz
Port Huron Yoga ...Since 2017

How Will You Feel at the End of the Day?

  • Leave the event refreshed and inspired, taking these tools away with you
  • Ready to take action


What Others Say:

Sachie: late 20's international business woman

"I did not know what makes me really happy. I was frustrated and dissatisfied to the point of depression. I am now self-aware, value-aligned, confident. You get clarity on your life and your power back." 

Mike: career high school teacher & coach

"Time and circumstance had eroded my ability to dream and trust in the notion that I was in control of my life... My faith in the fact that anything is possible is rekindled. As '50' approaches, the future is bright, exciting and filled with possibilities of a dreamer once again!... Lorrie & James - Truly game-changers to jump start you back to life 100%"

Sharon: community business leader

"I have been perplexed about how I will feel in retirement. When we talked about setting an 'Age Goal', that set me in motion to know that when I retire 'I am not done' with my life’s work... When I retire my paycheck will continue to be the 'ripples' I create by continuing to help others…"

Send Kids to Camp and Transform Their Lives... All proceeds from event go to Camp Cavell Conservancy Scholarship Fund.

IMPACT-ology Masterclass will help transform 'Your Personal Evolution Journey' Your 'Ripples' will also multiply by 'Sending Kids to Camp' who would never experience it otherwise.

Double the Smiles,  Double the Impact & Help Kids Experience the Magic of Camp...

All Day 10:00am-4:00pm Early Bird Pricing


Until Oct 6th

  • IMPACT: 'IMPACT-ology Wheel' to Multiply Your Impact. Unearth those pesky auto-pilot habits stopping you. Get unstuck & take action.
  • BE-Longing: 'Belonging Matrix' to help you zero in on your Dis-Satisfaction.
  • Your Self-Sustainability Journey: Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga
  • Explore Camp Cavell's 55 acres of woodland, new 'Interpretive Trails' and Lake Huron beachfront
  • Inner work tools & materials to take home
  • Lunch Not Included

All Day 10:00am-4:00pm



  • IMPACT: 'IMPACT-ology Wheel' to Multiply Your Impact. Unearth those pesky auto-pilot habits stopping you. Get unstuck & take action.
  • BE-Longing: 'Belonging Matrix' to help you zero in on your Dis-Satisfaction
  • Your Self-Sustainability Journey: Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga
  • Explore Camp Cavell's 55 acres of woodland, new 'Interpretive Trails' and Lake Huron beachfront
  • Inner work tools & materials to take home
  • Lunch Not Included

Morning Only 10am-Noon


  • IMPACT: 'IMPACT-ology Wheel' to Multiply Your Impact. Unearth those pesky auto-pilot habits stopping you. Get unstuck & take action.
  • Your Self-Sustainability Journey: Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga
  • Explore Camp Cavell's 55 acres of woodland, new 'Interpretive Trails' and Lake Huron beachfront
  • Inner work tools & materials to take home

Afternoon Only 2:00pm - 4:00pm


  • BE-Longing: 'Belonging Matrix' to help you zero in on your Dis-Satisfaction.
  • Your Self-Sustainability Journey: Mindfulness & Gentle Yoga
  • Explore Camp Cavell's 55 acres of woodland, new 'Interpretive Trails' and Lake Huron beachfront
  • Inner work tools & materials to take home


$1.00 - More

Can't Make the Event? You can still create positive 'Ripples' by contributing to Camp Cavell Conservancy 'Camper Scholarship Fund'

  • One time donation
  • Monthly donation